Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tips for Management of EyeBrow Shape

Whether it is doing a browlift surgery, having brows put on by micropigmentation (tattooing or permanent makeup), or simply waxing a brow, understanding what makes an eyebrow look good is important. There are several basic considerations to know.
In general, the classic medium-arched brow works best for most people. This means the peak of the arch of the brow is directly along a vertical line above the pupil. If the peak of the arch is closer to the nose or too far to the side, this creates a very unnatural appearance that at its worst can appear cartoonish. But it is equally important to take into account your overall facial shape and proportions. If you have a larger face with strong features (bone prominences), then a thicker brow is more proportionate. Conversely, a thin face with small features needs a thinner brow. (lest you look like Groucho Marx) The wider the face, the more the tail of the eyebrow should extend out. In thin faces, the tail of the eyebrow should barely goes past the corner of the eye. The color of the eyebrow is equally important. As a guideline, the eyebrows should be one shade lighter than your own hair......never darker. If it is even the same shade, the eyebrows make look too heavy unless they are quite thin. Pay attention to your lipstick color as well. Your eyebrows should be a shade between your hair color and lipstick color so there is a natural transition between the facial areas.
Enhancing the eyebrows can be done with a pencil, powder, or a pomade. Powders and pomades are good for adding volume to existing eyebrows which have a good hair density, albeit thinner hairs. Pencils are good for filling in for missing hairs or brow lines and create a more dramatic effect.
Dr. Barry Eppley

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